I used to rely on Pam, my first border collie, to do chores. Not because she is so good, but she does know the job and in general I trust her to do things correctly (this is NOT true in a trial situation).
Two years ago I bought Libby from Sam Furman. Not that Sam really wanted to sell Libby but she just wasn't quite the dog for some sheep. Libby loves hair sheep that move....she excels on them. Actually what she really loves is chickens...but that's another story. My flock is about 60 hair sheep and 200 big dorset or dorsetXrideau ewes. They don't move fast, and sometimes they don't move at all. After working with Craig Rogers last summer he asked me why I don't do chores with Libby; after all it can only improve her confidence and her skills. She is my open dog, I should be able to do a few sheep chores with her, not just trial this dog. So she goes out faithfully with me at chore time, runs to the chicken coop and proceeds to bring them all outside....not today libby, we have to do the sheep.
My husband is away at a conference for 3 nights, 4 chore days. Our tractor is sitting in the field with some parts that need some fixing. We use 2 large round bales a day to feed the sheep; On Tuesday before he left he moved the round bales into place for me so it would be easy for me to unroll the bales. We unroll them so the sheep clean them up well and there should be less waste. I don't know if that is true. Well behind the barn we have the ewes that have lambed. They had finished their day's allotment of hay so I got a small round bale from the barn, pushed it out, rolled it down the hill and turned it to go behind the barn. I'm feeling quite strong now. Enough of that, get the ATV and the tow strap. So the bale is in place behind the barn, with 150 ewes clammering for me to unroll it! It must be sooooo much better than the other bale that is in the already partially eaten. I've been trying to get Libby to walk in front and clear the sheep from infront of the bale. When John and I do this together with Preacher and Libby it is quite successful; but with Libby alone today, the sheep were just not listening to her...
So...i get Preacher, my husbands dog...i hope i don't mess him up! Here he comes to save the day! He gets right in there, moves the sheep and lambs, stays far enough in front that I don't roll over him...and gets really dirty. Preacher is a really nice dog. He's just turned three and he is Johns' go to dog now. He's Johns main dog. Preacher is also starting his trialling career. John has run in him in PN a couple of times last fall with fairly good results for someone that has never really trialed. I think he will make a good trial dog...but he is a great chore dog and that's what is important.
Preacher is funny. He always seems to know when I need some help...hence the here he comes to save the day. Last summer Janet and I were trying to move the rams (maybe about 5 of them) somewhere, not far, with Data and Pam...Those rams had no interest in moving for our dogs. John was somewhere else on the farm and suddenly...who should show up..but Preacher; Dont' worry maams, i am here to save the day! He moved those rams exactly where we needed them...and went back to find John. He needs no thanks, just to work. It is nice having a dog that will work for just about anyone! Thanks for the help Preach.